A short and sweet post from me today. I've got an assortment of bags and bits to show you that I've been stashing away the past few days. Most I've found on the web in one form or another, and one is a Becky Roberts tutorial. None have been embellished with tags yet, as I'm not sure where some of these will end up :o)
It's trying really hard to storm here in Canberra this afternoon so the bright sunshine of earlier has been replaced by dull and darkening clouds, therefore hampering my photographic skills - yeah right like that's a factor lol.
Most of my items look a bit bland without their ribbons and tags and funky little embellishments. I hope to have time to take more pics once they're dressed up and on their way to their new homes sometime next month.
Speaking of trees, Gorgeous Kid has been champing at the bit and at me constantly about putting the Christmas tree up early. I must say I'm not so keen to drag it all out and make a big mess so keep putting him off with "you know we don't do it until 1 December". He very righteously comes back with "well that's a school day". So we've bantered back and forth and negotiated that tomorrow is the day! He's still going on about it ... I'm sure it's the same in most houses at this time of the year. I do love the excitement he shows so I shouldn't be fussed with the 'chore' of it all really.
Right now I need to rescue my washing from the line before it starts pouring. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!