This is another of the cards I put together on Thursday evening while gorgeous kid was off at a sleepover. It is a birthday card for the daughter of a friend.
Now I didn't come up with this idea myself. Recently our team had a Stamping Jamboree, where we swap cards and do demos for each other, amongst a lot of talking, eating and having fun! My sideline Trina did this gorgeous little card as her demo and knowing I had this birthday coming up I asked if I could copy it straight out. Which is basically what I did! The only downside are my 'feelers' - I'm really not good with a marker in my left hand at the moment lol.
All items are SU! except the dsp which came from my stash. If you'd like some details on how to achieve this cute little butterfly just ask, I'll be happy to share :o)
Wow ur using purple! This is a realy sweet set, I hope she likes it!